Sunday, April 17, 2011

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For, Well, Scream 4!

The wifey and I saw Scream 4 this weekend with one of our friends. I realized that I missed Sydney Prescott and Gale Weathers much more than I thought I had.

Halfway through the movie, I realized that I didn't really miss Sydney or Gale. Sydney is far too sniveling for my taste, she's always surprised that people just keep showing up dead around her. It's like, "C'mon Syd, don't be suprised everytime the frigging phone rings. It's ALWAYS GOING TO BE GHOSTFACE."

And Gale, well, what can I say about Gale? She's a world-class bitch. Something I admire, and try to replicate as much as I possibly can in my daily life. However, she's an annoying bitch, which no one likes. If you're going to be a bitch, at least be a funny, lovable, bitch. That's the kind I try to be.

What I've missed is the ass-kicking, girls rule, and utter unbelievable "girl power" that the Scream movies have always brought to the table. Ghostface, smoshface. He (or she) is no match for Sydney or Gale. There's not enough of that going around these days, and Scream4 was a refreshing way to spend two hours of my life.

It was, however, outdone by Hanna. If you haven't seen Hanna in the theater yet, GO. I mean, GO NOW. STOP READING MY STUPID BLOG AND GO.

You're still reading? You must have already seen it then. Did you love it as much as I did?

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