Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Inspiration for a new Jane/Maura story.......

Have you ever been driving in the fog and there is nothing but darkness and gloom around you?
In the distance, there is a light so bright that the very glimpse of it gives your heart hope. Hope that at the end there is happiness waiting; although your heart sinks when you realize just how far away that light is and how easily it could be swallowed up by the darkness. 
Undaunted, you drive on, clinging to the glimmer of it, the reflection of it on the pavement, and the power it gives you to continue.


  1. The fog, as well as other things in nature, can be very inspiring. Many people think it's strange that I love snow so much. I love how it sparkles, how it covers and cleanses everything, making the world look new and enchanting.

    Candy from FFN

  2. P. S. I also forgot to mention how inspiring music is... I love to listen to it and I also am a singer. Sometimes even the way it feels to sing a certain passage of a song makes ideas start to blossom...

    Candy from FFN
